"The fruit of a Godly legacy is a life lived with empowered faith, and no one embodies that more than Tom Grassano. 'Walk with Me' will inspire, bless and encourage you to believe God for all that He has called you to do."

Joni Lamb
Daystar Television Network

"This is a story which will inspire the most insignificant person to become the most significant person in a world that needs to hear how the love of God transforms today."

Felipe Martinez
Executive Assistant to three Mayors of Detroit

"Dr. Grassano has done whatever it takes to bring Christ’s life and love to the hurting of some of the neediest places in this world. This is a must-read story!"

Nick Savoca
Director of Prayerstations.com

"The stories of miraculous redemption are a powerful reminder that the Word of God is living and active. I am inspired and challenged that the opportunities to serve and be a part of God’s purposes are as evident as ever."

Dwayne Zinger
NHL Veteran

"It is all too easy to become insulated from the community in which we are called to serve. Tom Grassano’s story brings alive the concepts that have proven effective and transformational in ministry."

Rev. Tim Hill
International Overseer, Church of God

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"I have learned something truly spectacular walking with Jesus: when I say yes to follow Him where and how He chooses, wounded, hopeless, and neglected people begin to live again."

An excerpt from Walk with Me

Look for these upcoming titles from Tom Grassano in 2022:


The Great Go-Mission: A 40-Day Journey into Living the Great Commission


Spreading the Fragrance of Christ: A Study on New Testament Servant Leadership


Walking and Praying: A Practical Guide to Prayerwalking